Book professional cleaners in Canning Town
From only £18.95/hour
From only £18.95/hour
Need help around the house? Then get yourself some cleaners in Canning Town who can help you with hoovering, mopping, emptying bins, dusting, and more. Just let us know what cleaning your home needs and we will let the cleaners know.
Needs cleaner for your office in Canning Town? Our professional cleaners will clean your office space to ensure a tidy and clean environment for your staff to work in. Here are a few notable benefits:
Quite recently (well, before the 19th century) Canning town was mostly marshland. Up until then, Canning town was only accessible by a toll bridge or by boat. This means that Canning town doesn’t have too much history, which is the case of other parts of London. Of course, there are areas of East London that have very rich histories. Still, there are parts, like Canning town, that only became habitable rather recently.
The development of Canning town really began accelerating in 1885. This was when the Royal Victoria Dock opened. The dock provided thousands of Londoners with jobs. In fact, the dock needed so many people that they flocked to Canning town from all over the country and aboard. So, this meant that the area also needed homes. New settlements began popping up around the docks, one of these new settlements was Canning town. Others include Woolwich and Silvertown.
Now, these new settlements around the dock were very different to the Canning town we know and love today. In fact, Canning town, at that time, didn’t have running water or a sewage system! However, since the first worker’s houses were built in Canning town in about 1850, the area has grown and evolved into the wonderful place we see before us today.
Although Canning town doesn’t hold the history that other parts of London hold, it still provides a very important glimpse into London life. Canning town is a prime example of the expansion of London through the 19th century and how important the working people of London have been for hundreds of years. London was built on the backs of the working people, and Canning town is a place that the working class could call home, even if it was a bit smelly when it was first built!