Лондон, безумовно, має все, що робить його містом світу. Поряд зі своїм статусом у фінансовій індустрії, він є головним гравцем у національних і глобальних економічних, політичних, культурних і ділових справах, а також домом для багатьох відомих корпорацій.

Урядові дані свідчать про те, що тільки до самого Лондону прибуло понад 12 тисяч українців з початку спонсорської програми Homes for Ukraine у березні 2022 року, а кількість заявок на візу до столиці перевищила 18 тисяч. Але досвід освоєння життя у Великобританії для багатьох українців дуже різний. Хоча є багато позитивних історій, благодійні організації також попереджають про перенаселеність, брак фінансової підтримки та ризик залишитися без житла.

У статті розповімо про те, як українські біженці можуть приїхати до Великобританії, облаштуватись та знайти легальну і безпечну роботу.

Легальне перебування у Великій Британії

Для біженців існує два способи в’їзду до Великобританії:
• Homes for Ukraine Scheme
• Ukrainian Family Scheme

Програма Homes for Ukraine дозволяє людям з Великобританії спонсорувати приїзд українських біженців. Спонсор (британець) зобов’язується надати безплатне житло мінімум на шість місяців. Таким чином громадянин України отримує право перебувати у країні протягом трьох років із повним доступом до державних послуг та системи пільг. Українська віза не прив’язана до сторони, що приймає, тому біженці можуть залишити будинок/квартиру спонсора в будь-який момент. Крім того, українські біженці отримують одноразову виплату у розмірі 200 фунтів стерлінгів на особу, а спонсор – 350 фунтів стерлінгів на місяць протягом року, поки гість проживатиме у нього вдома.

Хоча уряд Великобританії наразі не бере на себе координаційну роль у визначенні спонсорів для українських біженців, він проводить перевірки потенційних спонсорів. Наприклад, Міністерство внутрішніх справ перевіряє судимість приймаючої сторони.

Ukrainian Family Scheme, тобто Українська сімейна схема, дає можливість приєднатися до членів родини, які вже оселилися у Великобританії. Зверніть увагу, що в цьому випадку уряд не надає жодної додаткової фінансової підтримки тим, хто користується цією програмою.
Але у будь-якому разі, якою програмою не вирішили скористатися українські біженці, вони зможуть працювати, отримувати пільги та місцеві послуги, включаючи соціальне житло. Щоб отримати найбільш актуальну інформацію щодо легального перебування українців у Великобританії, рекомендуємо відвідати урядовий сайт.

Як і де знайти роботу в Лондоні?


Отже, якщо ви приїхали до країни за однією з описаних вище схем, це означає, що у вас є можливість легально працювати в Лондоні. Існує багато різних способів пошуку вакансій у Великобританії. Основні з них це:

• Сайти пошуку роботи
• Сайти компаній
• Газети
• Індивідуальні оголошення
• Через знайомих
• Пошук в соціальних мережах

Хороші веб-сайти для пошуку роботи в Лондоні – це Totaljobs, Reed, Jobsite, Jooble, CV-library, Fish4Jobs, Monster and CityJobs.

Також існує низка організацій, які допомагають і підтримують людей у пошуку роботи, а деякі з них призначені лише для біженців. Вони запроваджують програми, які допомагають у навчанні, написанні резюме, проходженні співбесід та працевлаштуванні.

А якщо ви хочете працювати в компанії, яка наразі не має вакансій, ви можете зв’язатися з нею напряму, надіславши e-mail. Загалом процес пошуку роботи в Лондоні однаковий і його можна підсумувати такими простими кроками:
1. Необхідно визначити тип і характер роботи, яку ви шукаєте (наприклад, на кілька годин в день чи на повний робочий день).
2. Зрозуміти в якій сфері ви можете працювати, враховуючи ваші навички, освіту та компетенції.
3. Скласти резюме та супровідний лист.

Робота в Лондоні

До речі, перед тим, як піти на роботу, є кілька способів отримати досвід:

• Стажування – зазвичай триває в Великобританії від кількох тижнів до 12 місяців. Його метою є надання студентам і випускникам відповідного досвіду у своїй галузі. Стажери класифікуються як робітники та отримують принаймні мінімальну заробітну плату.
• Волонтерство – якщо у вас є вільний час, ви можете присвятити його гідній справі, щоб розвинути свої навички та навчитися працювати в команді. Такий досвід буде добре виглядати в вашому резюме.
• Спостереження за роботою (так званий work shadowing) – можливість прийти до фірми та день або два спостерігати за тим, як працює професіонал.
Однак вище описані способи отримання робочого досвіду підходять лише тим, хто має вільний час. Якщо вам потрібно знайти роботу в Лондоні якнайшвидше, є інші варіанти. Отже, яку роботу найреальніше та найлегше знайти українському біженцю?
• Догляд за дітьми (наприклад, праця в дитячому садку)
• Робота експертом. Наприклад, підходить для тих, у кого є досвід роботи консультанта/психолога онлайн.
• Робота в приватному господарстві: в Лондоні доступні вакансії прибиральників приміщень.

Зараз українці мають можливість вибирати, куди вирушити жити та працювати. Головні переваги життя у Великобританії для іноземців це: безплатна медицина та освіта, кар’єрні можливості, оплачувані відпустки, відчуття безпеки та багато іншого.

Процес пошуку роботи в Лондоні може бути нелегким. З одного боку в столиці є сотні тисяч вакансій, але з іншого боку в місті достатньо великий рівень безробіття. Оскільки безробітних більше, ніж робочих місць, вам знадобляться спеціальні навички та досвід, щоб виділитися з натовпу. Тому, мабуть, спочатку можна спробувати знайти роботу, яка не потребує спеціальних знань.

Робота в Лондоні – Прибирання

Компанія Cleaning Express входить в топ 10 клінінгових компаній Великобританії за рейтингом TrustPilot і пропонує роботу клінера українським біженцям, які прибули за програмами “Ukrainian Family Scheme” або “Ukrainian Sponsorship Scheme”.

Чим вигідна робота клінера в Лондоні?
• Гнучкий робочий графік
• Можливість працювати тимчасово/підробляти паралельно навчаючись або шукаючи іншу роботу
• Необхідно мати лише кілька основних якостей і компетенцій: відповідальність, комунікабельність, знання англійської мови на базовому рівні

За свої послуги ви зможете отримувати приблизно £11.85-£13.35 за годину. Сума вкладається у межі мінімальної погодинної зарплати для жителів Лондона, встановленої урядом Англії. Чайові, отримані від клієнтів, також будуть повністю діставатися вам.

Читайте також: Работа в Лондоне

Не забувайте, що з цієї суми необхідно сплатити податки. Робота клінера зазвичай налагоджена у формі фрілансу чи приватного підприємництва (self-employment). Це дозволяє вибирати години та дні праці. Один з найголовніших плюсів такої співпраці – відсутність сплати податків, якщо річний дохід не перевищує 12 570 фунтів стерлінгів (дані за 2022/23 рік).

З принципами роботи нашої компанії ви можете ознайомитись на цій сторінці. Шанси потрапити до Cleaning Express дуже високі. Наприклад, в березні-червні 2022 року ми повністю працевлаштували понад 20 співробітників, які нещодавно приїхали з України.

Наші працівники отримують безплатне навчання, стабільну оплату праці, бонуси і премії, відсутність витрат на необхідні для роботи матеріали та індивідуальний графік роботи. Компанія Cleaning Express допомагає біженцям з України облаштуватись в Англії. Робота клінера – чудова нагода для тих, хто тільки приїхав до Лондона і прагне знайти першу стабільну працю в новій для себе країні.

Читайте також: Работа в Англии для Украинцев

Cleaning Express is a multi-lingual, multi-nationality cleaning company based in London. Many of our cleaners and office workers are from Eastern Europe, and we are doing what we can to help escaping the war in Ukraine. So, below, we have information about the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine). This information is designed to help Ukrainians use this scheme to get to safety. We also have more information about the Ukraine Family Scheme. The application process for both of these schemes is very similar. So, here, we’ve focused on commonly asked questions about this scheme rather than the application process. We do have some details about applying, but for more, click the links below or read our article about the family scheme.

What is the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme?


The Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme allows a UK-based sponsor to help you enter the UK. This sponsor must be eligible for the Homes For Ukraine scheme, but most people willing to help who are legally in the UK (and will remain here legally for the next six months can apply to be a sponsor). So, if you have a spare room or a home, you can offer it to Ukrainian refugees. And you can do this as an individual or as an organisation.

Now, some sponsors choose to be involved in the scheme because they know someone in Ukraine that needs help. However, if this person doesn’t require a sponsor or the sponsor is just doing it to help, a Ukrainian refugee will be matched to them.

Now, if you already have family in the UK, you do not need to apply for this scheme. Instead, you can apply for the Ukraine Family Scheme. We have more details about that scheme in a different article. If you don’t have family members in the UK, this is the scheme to apply for. Basically, a sponsor (either an individual or an organisation) will help you get to safety and make getting to the UK and staying here for a while a lot easier.

homes for ukraine

Who is eligible?


Anyone that can offer accommodation for six months or more can apply to be a sponsor. Whether you have an entire house to offer or a spare room, you can help. If you are on a visa, you have to have at least six months of time remaining on your visa to apply.

Ukrainian Nationals

If you already have family in the UK, you need to apply for the family scheme, but other than that, you can apply for this scheme. You do not need to have a sponsor already, as one will be matched to you. However, if you do have a sponsor lined up, that person can do the application for you if you need them to.

How to apply

If you want to register interest in sponsoring a Ukrainian and getting them to safety within the UK, you can use this link.

To apply as a Ukrainian national, you can use this link. Aren’t sure whether you should apply to the Sponsor Scheme or the Family Scheme? there are numbers you can call on the website above which will offer advice.

FAQs about Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine)

When will Ukrainians and sponsors be able to apply for this scheme?

Phase one of this scheme started on 18th March for Ukrainian people who had named people in the UK ready to sponsor them. Either the sponsor or the Ukrainian national can complete the application, and only one is required per person coming to the UK. Visas are already being issued to Ukrainians using this scheme.

How many Ukrainians will the UK government help?

There’s no limit to how many people this scheme will help right now. The UK is prepared to welcome as many Ukrainians as wish to come here. We know this is a huge crisis and want to help. So, sponsors are signing up each and every day to try and help Ukrainians get to safety.

Is the scheme open to all Ukrainians?

This scheme is open to all Ukrainians who were residents in Ukraine prior to 1st January 2022. Its also open to immediate family members of Ukrainian nationals like a spouse, unmarried partner (must have lived together for two years at least), children under 18, a parent (if you are under 18) and more.

You don’t need to still be in Ukraine to apply for this scheme. If you have fled Ukraine already, you can still apply from a different country. There is information about where you can apply for these schemes here. There is a temporary visa application centre in Rzeszow, Poland currently and in several cities around Europe.

Will I have restrictions while in the UK?

No, once you’re visa request has been accepted, you will be provided with a letter that gives you six months to live, study and work in the UK. If you want to prolong this stay (up to three years), you can do so, but you must be issued a biometric resistance permit as evidence of your immigration status.

How is the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme going to be delivered?

The UK government has called for a national effort from the British public, organisations, faith groups, businesses and councils. And so far, the UK has done an amazing job at organising homes and sponsorships for many Ukrainians. Of course, we all need to do our bit to help. So, if you have a spare room to offer or a spare house you may not need for six months, please offer to help! You can register interest in this scheme here.

How do I link up with my sponsor?

If you don’t already have a sponsor and you are assigned one, you will be given their contact information once the sponsor has been assigned. From there, you can share the information needed to fill out the application or fill it out yourself, but you will need the sponsor’s details for this form. This step is something you and your sponsor will need to work out together.


We hope this look at the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme has helped. We understand these schemes have a lot of information to take in. So, please visit the links throughout this article, or give the helplines a call to ask any questions you have.

Cleaning Express recently invited any Ukrainians coming to the UK to work for us. We are a multi-lingual cleaning company in London. We’re always in search of hard-working individuals to clean for our customers. We understand that many Ukrainians are struggling to get to the safety of the UK right now, so we thought we’d offer some information that may help. If you already have family members in the UK, you can join them for an extended stay. Below is the info you need about The Ukraine Family Scheme.

What is the Ukraine Family Scheme?


The Ukraine Family Scheme is free to apply for and allows applicants to join family members that are already in the UK. You’ll be able to live, study and work during your time in the UK, and you’ll have access to public funds as well. There is a lot of information about the Ukraine Family Scheme on the UK government website. Still, we have tried to break it down into more manageable sections for you below. However, if you do need further information, we have links to the government pages about this scheme and other helpful sources throughout this article.

The eligibility requirements

To apply for the family scheme, you must be applying to accompany or join a UK-based family member and be Ukrainian or the immediate family member of a Ukrainian national who is applying for the scheme as well. You must also have been residing in Ukraine since 1st January 2022. If you have already left Ukraine for safety, you can still apply. So, if you’re already in the UK but have lived in Ukraine since before 1st January 2022, you can still apply for this scheme.

The full eligibility requirements are available on the government website. Here you can find out which family members are eligible and a great deal more. If you are accepted into The Ukraine Family Scheme, you can stay in the UK for up to three years, and it is completely free to apply.

How to apply

Applying for the family scheme is very simple and can be done here. Do check that you meet all the requirements before you apply, though. If you are outside the UK, you must apply online at the above link. Also, if you don’t currently hold a Ukrainian international passport, you must book an appointment at a visa application centre (VAC) to provide your biometric information as well as any other information that you need for the scheme.

All of the visa application centres are currently closed in Ukraine, but there is a temporary VAC in Rzeszow, Poland. You’ll need to complete an online application before you attend this visa application centre. There are also other VACs operating throughout Europe at the moment. There’s more information about all VACs currently open on the government website.

ukraine family scheme visa

Before you arrive

Once your application to the family scheme has been processed, you will receive an official permission letter from UK Visas and Immigration. This confirms that you can travel to the UK. This letter allows you to board a plane or other transport to the UK without a valid UK visa. You shouldn’t travel to the UK until you receive this letter.

When you arrive

When you arrive at the border in the UK, UK Border Force, airlines and other travel companies will be informed that customers with valid Ukrainian passports who have been accepted into this scheme will have received a letter of confirmation and have permission to travel into the UK without a valid UK visa in their passport. So, as long as you have the letter, there is no need to worry about gaining access to the UK.

When you arrive in the UK, you’ll need to show your permission letter to the Border Force officers. They will then stamp your passport with a 6-month entry stamp. This is evidence of your right to live, study and work in the UK for six months.

Extending your stay

After you get settled in the UK, you’ll need to extend your stay if you plan on staying for any longer than the six months. You’ll need to submit your biometrics within these 6 months. Once the government receives your info, they can tell you how to provide your biometric information. This could be by providing a digitised facial image using an app, or you may need to visit one of the government application centres to provide a facial image and fingerprints. You can find out more about submitting your biometrics here.

You don’t need to extend your stay in the UK right away, but you do need to ensure the process is complete before the 6-month stay ends. So, if you do plan on staying for longer than 6 months, it is worth starting the process as quickly as possible.

How long does it take?

It’s difficult to say how long an applicant must wait for their Ukraine Family Scheme application to be processed. The government is prioritising applications for this scheme currently, though.

Finding work

If you want to work while you are in the UK, you have every right to work within the scope of this scheme. If you are in London, Cleaning Express would love to hear from you (follow the article “Работа в Лондоне“). We provide full training to all of our cleaners and offer a safe and welcoming place to work for everyone who works with us. The training can be provided in English or Russian language. So, whether you are already a professional cleaner or don’t have much experience, Cleaning Express would love to hear from you. Many of our staff are Ukrainian, and we have a multi-lingual office, so if your English isn’t that good, please don’t let that put you off. Cleaning Express is here to help you find work during your stay in London.

If you are not in London and want to find work, the best place to go is the Job Centre. Here you can start an application process to claim benefits while you are in the UK. The Job Centre can also help you write a CV and help find you job interviews as well. We know The Ukraine Family Scheme has a lot of information to take in, but the application process is nice and simple.

part-time cleaner jobs in LondonCleaning Express is on the lookout for part-time cleaners in London. If you need a bit of extra income and can commit to a few hours of work a week, Cleaning Express would love to hear from you. Being a cleaner at Cleaning Express has its perks; we have flexible hours on offer, full training with cleaning equipment and chemicals is provided, and you can work close to home. Here is how working with Cleaning Express can help you.

Flexible hours

At Cleaning Express, our cleaners are self-employed work hours that suit them. We know that many of our cleaners have other jobs or other commitments in life like taking kids to school or caring for elderly relatives. So, at Cleaning Express, our cleaners can take on as much as they like whenever they like. We’re extremely flexible with shifts, hours and days. We will call or text a cleaning job to you, and if you’d like to take it, you can say yes. If not, the cleaning job will be passed on to another cleaner. So, the hours you work are not created by us, but by you, so it’s the perfect job for anyone who needs flexible hours.

Full Training

All of the cleaners at Cleaning Express are given full training with equipment, chemicals, and the cleaning practices that we use here. Our cleaners must clean to the highest levels possible for our customers. Our practises and ethos are installed into each cleaner when they start working for us. So, if you don’t have much cleaning experience, there is no need to worry. As a part-time cleaner for Cleaning Express, we will teach you everything you need to know.

Work Locally

We never ask our cleaners to leave their community unless they want to. We have cleaning jobs available across London, but there is no need to leave your local community if you don’t want to. Most of the cleaning jobs we will send you will be within easy walking distance of your front door. This saves travel time for our cleaners and allows you to take on more cleaning jobs and earn more money because you don’t need to travel very far.

Great Rates of Pay

At Cleaning Express, we expect our cleaners to deliver high-quality cleaning services to all of our customers. We offer rates of pay that reflect these requirements. The average a cleaner earns has risen recently, and our wages have risen as well, so you can earn well and do cleaning work that you can be proud of here. Most of our cleaners receive London Living Wage.

With the rates of pay for cleaners increasing recently, now has never been a better time to get some extra work as a cleaner. Whether you already have cleaning experience or you’re new to the cleaning world, Cleaning Express can take you under its wing and get you cleaning to our customer’s high standards quickly. To find out more about our part-time cleaning positions in London, get in touch today. We’re always on the lookout for talented cleaners across London looking to join our highly skilled team.

cleaners working during the pandemicIf you’re finding it difficult to clean your home during the pandemic, you may feel that a cleaner could help. Keeping your home clean throughout lockdown is so important because it is your home, office, cinema, music venue, restaurant and quiet space! However, even though many of us are spending more time at home than ever before, that doesn’t mean that we have endless hours to clean. In fact, for many of us, finding 10 minutes to clean is a challenge with home-school, work and trying to socialise with friends on zoom calls! So, is it safe to hire a domestic cleaner throughout the Covid-19 pandemic? Is it even legal for a cleaner to enter your home at the moment? Let’s find out, shall we?

Is it safe to hire a domestic cleaner during the covid-19 lockdown?

At Cleaning Express, we have ensured that all of our cleaners are following up to date guidelines from the government to keep our domestic cleaning customers safe when they enter their homes. This includes following social distancing rules while cleaning and wearing face masks throughout all cleaning appointments. So, hiring a domestic cleaner from Cleaning Express is certainly safe during the pandemic. In fact, our cleaners have been helping our customers ensure that their homes are safe for their families during the pandemic. Our cleaners have worked hard to follow all guidelines put in place while providing brilliant cleaning services.

We can say that it’s certainly safe to hire a Cleaning Express cleaner to clean your home during Covid-19 and that our cleaners will follow the rules put in place by the government while they are in your home. Using our cleaners means that you can focus on teaching your kids, working from home and all of the other tasks that you need to do around the home. Let’s take a quick look at the cleaning services that Cleaning Express can do for you during lockdown, shall we?

Domestic Cleaning Services During Lockdown

housekeeping during lockdownCleaning Express has been offering all of our domestic cleaning services throughout the pandemic. This includes our maid services, our regular domestic cleaning services and ironing services. These cleaning services are perfect for anyone who needs a hand with regular cleaning tasks. Still, we offer even more cleaning services to help our customers stay safe during lockdown.

The first of these fantastic cleaning services is our deep cleaning service. Here, we can clean your entire home from top to bottom, including the kitchen cupboards, windows, fridge and even your carpets. We’ve found many of our customers use our deep clean services throughout lockdown if they are moving into a new home. It provides the perfect fresh start and ensures that your family can really build a wonderful home.

A very important cleaning service that many Cleaning Express customers have taken advantage of during the pandemic is our antiviral disinfection. Here, our cleaners enter your home, fog your property, cover all of the surfaces in your home and leave it for an hour. This kills all of the bacteria in your home and makes it nice and safe for your family. During the pandemic, this cleaning service is essential if a family member has had Covid or someone you know has.

So, yes, it is safe to hire a domestic cleaner throughout Covid-19, as long as that cleaner is following the guidelines put in place by the government. To find out more about Cleaning Express‘ domestic cleaning services and to book your first appointment, please give us a call or send us a message via website or Facebook. One of the cleaners can be with you as soon as tomorrow.

professional cleaning servicesThere are cleaning services, and then there are professional cleaning services. Now, is there really a difference? Well, our cleaning company thinks there is a massive difference between cleaning services and professional cleaning services. Anyone can clean, but can they clean for our business? That is the question we ask all of our cleaners in their interviews. We need them to clean to our customer’s high standards, if they can’t, we aren’t offering professional cleaning services.

We are very proud of our cleaning team. We vet them all and offer all of the training they need to provide the most professional cleaning services in London. To prove this, I offer the fact that we clean for many hotels in the city. Hotels need to be spotless from the industrial kitchen and lobby to the bedrooms. It’s our job to ensure that the hotels we clean for can past random inspections and be very welcoming to their guests.

Of course, our hotel cleaning services are just an example of our professional cleaning services. Whether you’re a domestic or commercial customer of ours, you’ll receive the same service. We can clean your home or your office to the same exacting standards. So, whether you need your guest bedroom to look like a hotel room for an important guest, or you would like your staff to work in one of the best-kept offices in London, we can be there for you.

Quality cleaning services isn’t just a slogan. It isn’t just a way of drawing your attention to our cleaning company. We say quality cleaning services because that is what we offer. The word “quality” is in the blood and bones of this cleaning company. Give our cleaners a call, make an appointment and see for yourself! If you need quality cleaning services, might as well choose the cleaning company that has the word engrained into their company ethos!

Read our Google reviews or use our contact form to enquire about our services.

gdpr compliant cleaning services companyHas your current office got a bit messy?  Do you need a GDPR compliant cleaning company that you can trust? Look no more! We’ve got a solution for you. First of all, the content down below explains you why it is important to hire a GDPR compliant cleaning company. We believe Cleaning Express is going to be the best option for you.

Understanding GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an advanced digital privacy regulation platform. It was launched on 25th May, 2018.  The purpose was to standardise a range of privacy legislation all over the EU into one single central set of rules and regulations. As a result, it will protect the users in every member states.

New European legislation related to GDPR?

European Commission has published some of the rules of data protection and other legislation for every sector of the government. As well as private sector. The companies now have to build privacy settings of their company whole structure into their digital products and websites. Besides that, organisations must consistently conduct privacy impact assessments. The permission to use the data will be strengthened by the company. As a result, it will improve the way the company conducts all its communication data breaches.

The penalties can be applied for violating GDPR new laws

GDPR increases the potential penalties for the organisations who misuse any data. As a result, it’s easier for people to discover what information organisations have on them. In essence, it makes things more clear for people. People will know what those organisations use that data for.

More about Cleaning Express

Cleaning Express provides the service with utmost diligence and responsibility. Because it’s our top priority to obtain the strict data privacy. Moreover, we have long history of working with the finest offices in London. We will do the job just right for your company too. Also, the company’s privacy policy can be viewed here: Privacy Statement. Finally, Cleaning Express’s GDPR compliance can be verified and viewed here: https://optindigo.com/badge/KH2211.